Saturday, October 24, 2009

Music Worth Checking Out #ONE

Things We Can See & Things We Cannot
So Long Forgotten

I'll say this right away: This album is not for everybody. It's written and put together in such a way that it is meant to be listened to as a whole rather than individual pieces.

Singer/songwriter Micah Boyce's vocals and lyrics are artistic, intense, soulful, and incredibly subjectively objective. This is to say that he tends to be more passionate than some will be comfortable with. Nevertheless, there is a beauty and praise found in this album underneath it's sometimes painful honesty. When Micah screams "Yours was everything I could and could not see! Yours was everything!" things will start to come together, and your hair will stand on end. -KG

(The following taken from Bands On Fire.)

"Chad Johnson, the former head A&R at Tooth & Nail Records, who was responsible for introducing the world to Underoath, Anberlin and Mae, ... laid out a very bold, very blunt offer. Walk away from a lucrative record deal, and join his “Come&Live!” venture, a new record label where all the music is released through a free/pay what you want model.

While most bands would have slammed the door in Johnson’s face, and grabbed the biggest signing bonus possible, So Long Forgotten found the idea to be right in line with their mission. “Our band has always put servanthood first,” Micah says. “So many bands just exist to feed the Christian subculture monster. Instead of being a light in a dark place, Christianity becomes their genre. I think "Christian” is a much better noun than an adjective. Come&Live! pushes us to be ‘noun Christians.’ We’re not going to make a lot of money at this. It’s humbling, and it forces us to be out there where God can use this band.”

Album lyrics: here.
Free album download: here.

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