Sunday, August 22, 2010

Guam Update August 2010 cont.


After 22 hours of flying, I arrived safely on the island of Guam at 12:00 AM this morning (Sunday). Words cannot express the excitement I have in being here; both in a ministry and training sense, and also an adventurous one.

I am being hosted by a Pacific Islands University administration couple for a few days until I can move into the dorms. They have been more than accommodating and helpful in letting me stay.

I attended Faith Presbyterian CRC this morning and was warmly and excitedly welcomed. The church itself is small but lively, with a multitude of different cultures including Filipino, Chamorro (Guam native), Japanese, Korean, Polynesian, German, Canadian, American, etc. It was an awesome experience to see so many different cultures worshiping God together. I met briefly with a couple of the elders who were excited to put my spiritual gifts to use, either in worship or youth ministry. More to come on this in the coming weeks. I also was greeted by a representative from TransWorld Radio, an international gospel sharing station on Guam, which I may have the opportunity to volunteer or help out at. I made many new contacts and friends today, all who had words of encouragement, wisdom, and ministry. It is truly a delight to see your prayers working over here, as I am welcomed by so many new brothers and sisters. Particular friends I made today are an inquisitive 7 year old Chamorro boy whose mother leads worship, and an elderly Filipino man that I tried guessing the nationality of and failed humorously =) Everyone is so warm and encouraging, that I know the Lord is working here on Guam.

My hosts were kind enough to give me a half-day tour around the southern half of the island. At the 17th parallel North, Guam is definitely a tropical island. I saw mountains and valleys, lush jungles, sharp cliffs, clear bays, sandy beaches, rocky reefs, brilliant blues and greens; and the weather at an 85 degree average with a cool sea breeze is fantastic! How exhilarating is the Lord's creation!

Please keep Faith Presbyterian CRC in your prayers as they search for an interim pastor. They are a Spirit-filled church that greatly needs a servant. Also keep me in your prayers as I move into the dorms this week and experience Polynesian culture-shock, magnified by the close-quarters of dormitory living. They are a collectivist culture where every item in view is there for the good and use of all; as opposed to my individualist Western culture. Pray that I would be more sharing when able, and that they would be good stewards of my things!

Above all, pray that the Spirit would minister to all of the students at PIU this Fall, including myself. Thank you for your support. God using your willingness has enabled me to be sent out into the world.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Guam Update August 2010

It's about 5:45 PM in Tokyo, but still 3:45 AM for me. Didn't really sleep that much. I finally found some free internet. It feels really good to be back in Japan, if only for a little while. Just seeing so many Japanese really gets my heart moving. I made friends with a Japanese boy on the plane. We got a little piece of chocolate for breakfast and I gave it to him. Good icebreaker, since we can't understand each other =) Departing for Guam in about an hour. All is well with me and I'm in good spirits. Another update once I reach my tiny island.