Thursday, June 17, 2010

Application to PIU status: ACCEPTED.

As of 6:00PM June 15, 2010, I have been accepted into the Bachelor of Arts program at Pacific Islands University in GUAM! I am praising the Lord with joy for opening this door and leading me to this point!

I am panning on an August 19 departure and attending Fall and Spring semesters. My major is undecided at this point, but will possibly be either Biblical Studies or Missions; whichever will be most beneficial for where the Lord leads me.

I am hoping to spend the following Summer in Japan at a private boarding school in GIFU, scoping opportunities, learning Japanese, and visiting friends in Shizuoka. More updates to come as my path comes into perspective. I'll try to maintain a balance of objectivity and personal ministry updates in my blog from now on. Please be praying for my schooling, my growth as a Christian, and that the Lord would bring many ministry opportunities my way.


I will be starting a mailing list soon for those who wish to pray specifically. The goal I feel the Lord has led me to make is to do mission work in Japan. Updates that apply toward that end will be sent out on a regular basis.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Hunger & Thirst Tour

Two of my favorite bands, My Epic and So Long Forgotten, are currently on a tour of the MW with a few special conditions. The purpose of the tour is explained by Micah from So Long Forgotten in the video below.

From what I understand, they are fasting for 30 hours before every Saturday night's show, and asking us to do the same. We will send the money that we would have spent on food to them to distribute to World Vision, eventually ending up as food in the hands of the hungry.

The fast starts this afternoon and goes until early Saturday evening. If you have never fasted before, I encourage you to start with this. During your fast, be praying for those who don't have food and water, and also for the band as they spread this example across the MW during their tour. It is easier to come to God and pray when we are uncomfortable and weak.

The Hunger and Thirst Tour from so long forgotten on Vimeo.